Thursday, 29 December 2016

Little madam at Christmas

She had a great day with loads of presents to open. What a lucky little girl.


Jennicula said...

Yes, lots of sangria and no cameras! All of those Christmas revelers are of an age where we DON’T take pictures of everything. I’m thankful that my miss-spent youth was at an age where there was no internet/cell phones etc. You remember (or maybe you don’t), you took a picture (and had to finish the entire roll of film before you could get it developed), paid for it to get developed which took a week. AND, you paid extra for doubles.

Only then did you see the pictures where you were blurry, the top of the head was chopped off, or you completely missed what you were taking a picture of.

I remember taking a picture of a picture because my friend wanted a copy. It was too expensive to pull the negative and get one made. The picture did not turn out.

I’m so glad Amelie was treated well by St. Nick. I mean, how much trouble can a baby/toddler get in to? Next year will be even more fun! Actually the next coming years will be so much fun with her. I love seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Everything is so new, magical and fun. It reminds you of your own holidays when you were young.

I hope you enjoyed your time off. I thought of you thinking of me as you sat on your arse watching tv and eating sweets. It made me laugh and hope that was exactly what you were up to!

Back to work wasn’t so bad last week. I was really busy, so time flew by. Now this week I had a stomach bug. Not so much fun. It only lasted 24 hours but that was long enough. BTW – I think it was only 24 hours because I truly could not shit any more than I had already.

Amelies pic is ADORABLE! She makes an excellent helper. Is she tall? She looks long and lean. The Boy’s first Christmas he was dressed as a Christmas Winnie the Pooh. Ah, the shit we get away with as parents when we dress our kids.

I’m glad she liked her new shoes. Get that girl started! She’ll probably need those boots too! The boy loved his blinking shoes (wore out the batteries before he outgrew them) and his purple velvet shoes (which he loved so much we had to get a 2nd pair – neither of which went with anything he wore).

I hope you have a happy and healthy 2017.


MissTottenham said...

LOL I know what you mean about old camera film. I hated when you wanted the pics but hadn't finished the roll so you used it up taking pictures of any old thing. I still have some good pictures of my old 80's wallpapers (pink and grey diagonal stripes), yes, I literally took photos of wallpaper hahah! Everything was grey and pink in the 80's.

My sis was so bad at taking pics. Never mind cutting people's heads off, we used to look at her photos after a school trip and say "who's feet are these", "oh, you liked that cloud you took it's picture twice".

It only lasted 24 hours but that was long enough. BTW – I think it was only 24 hours because I truly could not shit any more than I had already.

LOL, aw I do feel sorry for you cos I had it myself before Christmas and it is not nice. But damn, I did snigger at the no more shit to give.

Amelie is actually quite small, that picture is taken from a misleading angle. She is a total cutie in that outfit though, Christmas eve we dressed her as an elf, too cute.

LOL, purple velvet shoes, yes I can imagine how they wouldn't really go with anything, and I'm sure you looked long and hard to find him that little purple velvet outfit, snigger.

Wow, you should see how she can walk now. At Christmas she was doing a few steps, now she walks everywhere round the house, never crawls. Amazing how much she learns from one week to the next.

I hope you too have a fantastic and very healthy 2017.

Huge hugs xxx

jennicula was here said...

I think I missed the part about your Auntie. Sorry about that.

That damn cancer. It just blows. My step-mother has a very bad case of it and is having a rough time. Amongst her other issues, she couldn't do two of the treatments, so she's at a higher risk of it returning in a very bad way.

I hope your Auntie's remedy is zip-zip quick and she's good to go. Hugs to her and my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I took pictures of dumb things too. I probably have a few pictures of my bedroom. Not when it was messy mind you. In the 80s I was all about rainbows and the Grateful Dead. it was not nearly as color coordinated as your room.

And, I do have a picture of my feet. I thought it was so funny that I got it, I kept the picture. For once in my life it looked like I was tall.

That stomach bug is no joke. I wish I could say it was out of here, but I still seem to have this weird thing going on. It doesn't matter if I eat a little or a lot, I feel completely bloated like I over-ate. A coworker just told me this morning that he's been feeling the same way for the last week too. Puffy and gassy. A lovely combination.

Amelie IS a total cutie. I bet she'd look great in purple velvet shoes too! The boy would have worn a purple velvet outfit if I could find him one, but it never happened. He's look like some weird version of Barney.

The boy didn't walk until he was 13 mos on the dot. He didn't want to walk between Willie and me - he'd crawl. So when I saw him running in his room, I was shocked. Once he figured out how to walk, he ran. Everywhere. Kinda like Forrest Gump. And he was quick too! It was good because he was so fast we had to chase him everywhere, which meant that we ran and that meant we were skinnier.

He's not so much a runner anymore so we've gotten chubby. Ah, such is life.

Be good and huge hugs back to you and your mum (and fam)

MissTottenham said...

I'm so sorry that your step-mum is having a bad time with her treatment. My Auntie is in surgery as we speak but it seems to be taking a long time so we are getting worried. Send you good vibes our way.

LOL Forest Gump, too funny.

I hope you have got over the lurgy now xxx

Unknown said...

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NOT belong im Egypt -
that's mortal.N mosta em mortally err;
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if you choose to love God.
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And dats d'fak, Jak
(...which is what happened to me).

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