Monday, 21 July 2008

Week 30

Hi everyone, how are you? Well I hope.

I want to take this moment to thank all of you who mentioned Eric while I was gone. I am so touched that you did.

I also want to give a big thanks to SS and BC who put my dad's name on their blogs. That was amazing guys, I'm so moved.

SS, I always seem to miss you lately but the little things that you do just make me all gushy. you are one sweet dude.

BC, you are a sweetie and I've told you before but I think you are a darling.

So, we had a nice few days at the coast. We went to the sea front and did the customary thing of feeding the seagulls with doughnuts. I always manage to make one eat from my hand. My mum swears at least one of them is the reincarnation of dad come to get his annual doughnuts. That's why we do it, cos dad loved the doughnuts and the seagulls.

Speaking of seagulls, I have discovered that they never sleep. They squawked all night long, I didn't get much sleep and I'm still knackered to be honest.

We ate far too much, talked about what dad would say if he were there and we laughed too. I liked that part the best, talking about dad and laughing. When you first lose someone close, you don't believe that you will ever be able to do that.

OK, so I'm back and I'm fat and tired but I'm kinda happy too, even though I have to diet ha ha!

When we got back home, we spent the next day with an old lady called Dot. She was widowed a few days after we lost dad. her husband used to work with my dad and viewed him as the son he never had. So, as it was her anniversary too, we spent the afternoon with her. We had tea and cake and looked at old photos and reminisced.

It's not been what you'd call a fun holiday, but it's been nice and I have really enjoyed it.

It sure is nice to be back though.


Andrea said...

Miss T, I'm so glad you had a nice time on your vacation. It sounds like it was enjoyable and relaxing. It's always nice to spend time with family and reflect back on happy memories.

Anonymous said...

Aww, you're welcome Miss T. I'm happy that I did it :)

And thank you for the kind comments. It means a lot

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Andrea sweetie. Thanks for you lovely words on my blog.

I have just been reading your last post. It's nice that he is still in touch with you. I hope you have more luck with your army guy than i did with mine.


You are welcome BC. I have laways said that you are one of the sweetest people in blogland and I mean it.


Andrea said...

Thanks Miss T. I'm happy that you're back!

I probably won't hear from my boy for the rest of the time that he's in training. He thought he might be able to get on myspace, but I'm pretty sure they don't let new recruits use the internet. I've actually thought about writing to one of his cousins on myspace and asking them for his mailing address at training. I KNOW they're allowed to send and receive snail mail. But it might be weird if I approached his cousins about that. I met them all when we were all out at the bar, but I don't really know them, or know what they think of me, if anything.

Blah, can you tell I've thought about all this way too much?

I'm going to shut up now. :)

Original Punk J said...

Hi honey, how are you? I'm glad you had a peaceful trip with your family, and got to reminisce about your Dad. It's amazing to take the time and think back on good things. Glad to see you back, though. *hugs and kisses*

Andrea said...

I did it. I sent email to my boy's cousin to find out if he's got a mailing address at training.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you J sweetie. It's nice to be back. Saying that, I'd still jump at the chance of a holiday, a real one in the sun. Oh well.

Andrea, I'm so glad that you have had the courage to move forward. You gotta try sweetie. It'll be good, I can feel it.

Andrea said...

A hat, Miss T? O_o

Unfortunately, his cousin doesn't have his mailing address at training. So I just have to rely on myspace. I'm pretty bummed out about that because I'm fairly certain the army doesn't let newbies use the internet while they're in boot camp. But I could be wrong. (I hope I'm wrong!)

Anyway, again, thank you so much for your encouragement. Most of my friends in real life are guys, and it's kind of hard to talk to guys about guys. Know what I mean? Having support from the lovely ladies of blogland has been a huge comfort.

Much love to you Miss T!

MissTottenham said...

Anyways, I wanted to say anytime sweetie. You can always track me down if you want to chat.

I really hope that your guy can get on the computer. I'm sure they will be able to sometimes. I know it's training but it's not prison.

I hope you do get to stay in touch. You'll have to keep me updated.

Emerald said...

Miss T,

Hey, and thank you for the kind words you always leave. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

I hope you are doing well, and life is treating you kind.

Love you,

MissTottenham said...

Aw thanks L, I'm good. Fingers crossed I'll be doing the teaching course soon.

I hope you are well sweetie with no aches and pains.

Anonymous said...

Miss T!!!!

I miss you :)

MissTottenham said...

I miss you too BC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!