yeah! its much better,
Hi. I'm so glad it's better.
OMG, I am so jealous! It sounds like you guys had the best time. I wish we all could have been there with you.
Pizza hut? Gah, I never would have thunk it.
LOL solly, who'd have thunk pizza hut eh?
This is the shit, MissT!
You guys looks so great! And I'm so glad you both had a great time!
And LOL at your comment to Mr. or Ms. Stock Market Reports. Buwhahah.
See you around, MissT. :)
Lovely piccies, Miss T! :D
Those pants are so SS!
Aw thank you Mustard and RW.
I'm glad you like the pics. We had a great time.
Thanks for putting up pics! I love to see what everyone looks like. Looks like you guys had a fabulous time, glad you managed to get your pizza in too. Sorry you had to pay to wee. :(
Hello MissT!!! Thank you so much for sharing these pictures with us AND for thinking of us on ya'll big day out!
I'm so happy to hear that you and GS had such a great time! You both look so lovely.
Umm, regarding those underpants: I know exactly what to get someone for Christmas this year - thanks to you and GS!!!!! I just have to find them here in the States. LOL! I love those and I know he'll get a huge kick out them!
Hugs and Much Love,
Aw thanks carrie sweetie.
I had to share the pics cos GS is so pretty. I didn't want to put one of me up though but she said I had to.
Don't I look happy in my natural (pizza hut) surroundings?
Hiya Wendy, LOL I'm so glad you like the pants. I wish I could have bought a pair for everyone in blogland. Maybe for crimbo eh?
Hello me darlin!
I have not been around much-too much going on but I'ss save that for another day.
You both look fabulous. Any idea when you will be coming to London?
The F1 season is pretty good this year-happy to see Nelson Piquet jnr doing so well. Whatever the fuck happened massa though-bet he's not a happy bunny.
Having gone back through some of your posts I read what happened with that bastard-God, his poor wife and children are to be pitied.
Well, I gotta go-I just wanted to catch up and see how some people are doing. I will try to be around on Wednesday night.
Take good care of you.
Lots of love
EB37 xxx
Hiya EB37. How the hell are you?
Long time no see. I swear, I was thinking about you yesterday. I was wondering where you'd been. I was thinking about putting a shout out at mayos.
I hope you've been having fun.
Poor Massa indeed. I could've cried for him.
At least Lewis didn't win again.
I am gonna ring my uncle this week to arrange the best week to go to London. I shall let you know.
Lovely to hear from you again.
Take care sweetie.
Luv ya xxxxx
Thank you Miss T. I hope you had a wonderful day? Love to you!
Oh, wait, forgot to mention you guys are both so gorgeously awesome. Thanks for sharing the piccies! And glad you guys had a rad time.
Aw thanks Entropy. And I can say that you are gorgeous too.
Aw, I ♥ you too BC sweetie.
Miss T, I'm so excited for your teaching course! I hope it goes really well. You'll keep us posted about it, right?
Hey, MissT. :)
I hope you feel better soon. See you around, okay? ♥
Hey, Miss T! Thank you so much for the sweet words you left at my blog. Yes, I am getting better, and I am very fortunate to have J. with me. I thank God for her everyday.
How wonderful that you and Gnothi got to hang out! It's true, you are both beautiful, and hope you had a great time.
Take care of yourself, and again, thank you so much!
I used to have a unicorn toy that looked similar to that as a kid! Weird!
Looks like it was a fun trip!
Thank you Andrea sweetie. Of course I will keep you posted.
Thank you so much mustard sweetie. I feel much better now.
Thank you L sweetie, me and GS had a great time. I hope you are feeling better.
Thank you Amy, cool thing about the toy. Spooky. Did you have the hero pants too though?
MissT: Thank you so much for you words of comfort. As always, they mean so much to me.
The body of Stanley was recovered today. His parents were holding on to some hope, that he was still alive. Most of us knew better; but, you can't fault anyone for hoping against all odds. Like you said, at least we will be able to say a "proper" goodbye - for now. It's not much; but, it's something....
Thank you, again, MissT. You take care of yourself and stay safe out there.
Hugs and Love,
Hey, Miss T. Hope you are doing well. I am doing much better. Thank goodness for antibiotics.
How are you doing? I haven't been at Mayo's much, so I have missed you most of the time you have been around.
Love to you,
Hiya Wendy. How are you holding up sweetie?
Thanks for the update. I'm glad they found the last body. At least they can have some closure. I know it wasn't the result they were hoping for but it's better than him being missing.
I hope you are bearing up sweetie. If you need to talk, just get in touch.
Luv you xxxxx
Hiya L, I'm glad that the antibiotics are helping you feel better.
Yeah, we miss each other with these damn timezones.
I have my teaching course booked for the end of sept. So I'll be away for a week then. Can't wait. After then, who knows.
I hope you continue feeling better. You could do with a pain free existence, you've bloody earned it.
Luv you xxxxx
Such awesome pics of you and Gnothi! Lovely Lovelies! rawr!! ;p Thank ya much for sharing those! And may I say, what sexy panties ya have dear! So glad you guys had such fun! I hope you get to do it again! Again, thanks for putting up the pics! I love to see everyone in the real world!!
♥ -l/d
Aw thanks Lewis sweetie. Glad you liked them.
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