Saturday I met up with Gnothi in Manchester. She is so pretty. RW told me she was and she wasn't kidding. She is so lovely too. Such a friendly person.
So, first we went to this lovely shop that sells all goth clothes. GS revealed her wonderful taste in boots and velvet jackets.
So, where shall we go to eat? Blimey, who would've thought that I'd suggest pizza hut. Oh yes we did. I have posted pics to prove that GS went to pizza hut with the pizza fiend and lived to tell the tale.
We went round the shops and found a lovely chain with a unicorn on. It had a pink horn and hooves. They didn't have purple but it was the next best thing. I shall post pics in another post. Yup PPU, we thought of you.
We thought of all of you and we talked about mayos. Unfortunately, we didn't see anything mayo like to picture.
We went into Primark and got carried away looking at the undies. We found some that said super hero on that just reminded us of SS so we both whipped out our camera. I wasn't bothered but GS felt obliged to explain that we were taking photos of pants for a reason to a little lady standing next to us. She was very sweet about it, bless her.
We went to starbucks and were rebels who had tea instead of coffee (and a lovely lemon fairy cake). GS treated me cos she is a sweetie.
Then it was time for GS to catch her train. I went to the toilets at Manchester station and was appalled to find it cost 30p to have a wee. It's bloody free in Sheffield. So, I stayed in there for ages faffing with my hair cos I wanted to get my money's worth ha ha ha!
20 mins later, my train came. Of course while I was waiting, I just had to text GS to tell her of the toilet atrocity.
I had the best time and GS is so nice. The pizza and cake was good too hee hee!
Oh my God, take them down, take them down. I'm scaring small children!
Hello Foggy me old mucker. Thank you for a lovely day on Saturday :)
30p for a wee?
Hiya darlin'.
It was great meeting you. I had a lovley time.
Yup, still smarting from the 30p. I think I'm still in shock.
30p for a wee?
That's going to be our new phrase, like " Cheesecake? A cake made of cheese? "
Oh god yeah, we have our own catchphrase. How cool is that?
Say it in your best oop north accent.
You hush up! You ladies are both smokin' hawwwhhht and I'm so jealous! PPUz and pizza and cake and SS undies!
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!
Aw thanks solly sweetie. It was fun, I had a great time.
Well, hello ladies :)
seriously, you both are stunning and i wish i was there with you.
30p for a wee? well it was 20p when i was down there, maybe they up'ed the price cos some people were taking ages in the toilets trying to get their money worth hahahahaha.
again, beautiful ladies.
LOL Fimmy. People taking time getting their money's worth (looks around shifty like)
*whistles* Dunno who that could be.
Thanks sweetie, isn't GS pretty?
Miss T, GS, glad you guys have a great time together. You are both so pretty!
Miss T, thank you for all of the support and encouragement *hugs* The news made me so happy, but yet, it was part of such a weird day, I was wondering if people around me were going bonkers O_o
Anyways, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Take care.
hey miss T!!
glad you had a great time with GS!!
i think you are both absolutely lovely!
Hi MissT,
Thank you for sharing this!
What a great time the two of you had, barring extortionate loo pricing lol.
Ooh, and great photos! You are both very lovely! But we already knew that. =)
Thank you so much PP, BC and FASC.
Yay! I love to hear about blog friends meeting each other! It sounds like you two had a really great time. :)
How are things going Miss T? I've been working, going out and drinking (maybe a little too much), and still haven't heard from that boy. But things are good. The weather's been hot this week.
I hope you're doing well!
I'm doing good thanks Andrea. I booked my place on the teaching course.
I hope you have a great week.
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