Tuesday, 23 September 2008


I have just literally come off the phone to find out that my friend who had breast cancer before mum,the one who gave mum advice and reassurance through her treatment, has had her cancer come back. It has spread and she probably won't survive the week. She is such a lovely woman with really adorable kids and they are gonna be heartbroken.

Please can everyone send their thoughts to her and her family. Her name is Laura.

I am numb, I don't know what to say.

It was gonna be her 40th this year. She was gonna have a big party or a nice family holiday. That is all gone for her.

Her poor poor family. This is gonna be an awful loss for them. Laura was a wonderful loving, fun and happy person. She has never let her cancer get her down and she always believed she would beat it.

I am gonna go away and cry now.


Original Punk J said...

*tight hugs that I won't let go until you ask*

Remember that I love you, Caz. Come on over if you need to talk.

MissTottenham said...

Thank you so much J sweetie.