Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Week 31

After we had the recording box in, it picked up his noise and the council went round the other day to issue our neighbour with a caution.

They must have said something about his trampy house cos the next day, a truck pulled up outside and he was loading loads of black bags into the back. it was like a mountain. All that crap had been inside his house.

His back garden is still like a jungle.

Our other neighbour phoned the council to complain about him today cos she had just put her washing on the line when he started a bonfire. The tickturd puts petrol and oil on the fire so the smoke is like nothing you've ever seen.

Well, she shouted obscenities at him then phoned to complain.

On a plus note. That teaching course fell through because the institutions wouldn't sign up to the job centre contracts and the job centre wouldn't pay £1,500 without having a contract with the place.

I thought everything was lost but I went back online and found a three day intensive course that gives you the same qualification.

I thought, it can't be as good but it is run my the London Metropolitan University and the lesson plans looks really good.

And with it just being £215, it was authorised straight away and the money should be in my account by the end of the week.

Now I just have to see when is a good time to stay with my uncle (cos he has custody of his son in the holidays) and book a place.


Anonymous said...

*is still excited*


I saw you on AIM, but it's acting funny for me for some reason, so I couldn't message you or somesuch? I dunno.

Anyway, have a great evening, and I hope to talk to you soon and not a billion days from now. :)

Night, MissT!

MissTottenham said...

Aw thank you Mustard sweetie.

I saw your name appear and vanish so I figured it was playing up.

I'll catch you tonight sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you MissT. :) The publishing business is ridiculously hard to break into. I'll let you know how it goes. :D

JocelynHolly said...


Thanks for coming to my blog! I've missed you tons! I need to find time to take off work to take pics of your dear old duckling George!


Anonymous said...

Miss T,

super good luck to you on the teaching course, and with anything else good going on in your life. You deserve it. I hope you're well?

Take care, and many zillion hugs to you

P.S. I miss George. I hope he's well

MissTottenham said...

Thank you K, PH and BC.

Luv you guys.

I miss George too.

JocelynHolly said...

Miss Tottenham, I miss you lots!

And these pics might still be a while. My work schedule is killing me. And it'll be hell for the next two weeks. 0_0

- 007

Anon616 said...

Hello MissT!!!!

Thank you so much for stopping by my place. I'm getting all tech savvy, ain't I?! LOL!!!

I was sorry to hear the first teaching course fell through; but, I am thrilled to hear you found another one!!! This one sounds even better to me. Well, at least it's a short one and you can stay with someone you know!

Did I read something about you and GS getting together this weekend?
Well, if that is the case, I hope the two of you have an absolutely, wonderful, fun and basically amazing time together! I have no doubt that you will!!!!

Oh, you might want to keep your head out of the bird cage until then. I would hate to hear you missed GS because you got stuck!!!
*wink wink wink*

Have fun MissT!

Hugs and Much Love,

Ohhh, and thanks for commenting on my video! I just wish the sound quality had been better. I'll write you more via e-mail!

farawaysoclose said...

hi miss T...i'm home!!

i forgot your rock!! hangs head in shame!!

great news about your new 3 day intensive course! sounds great!

so i have quite literally mountains of washing to do!! you know what caravan hols are like you take all your own bedding, towels etc etc etc and everything is very wet and sandy!! oh well its great really i took 2 days to pack for it, 2 days to sort out after, i am probably about £800 skinter, 3lbs heavier and my liver is probably screaming for mercy with the amount of alcohol consumed!! oh it's great to be english aint it?!!

catch you around babe! hope you are good and well!

MissTottenham said...

Hiya PH sweetie, you busy little bee.

I can wait for the pics, it only makes it more exciting.

Hiya Wendy sweetie,

You are really impressing me with your youtube clips. I hope you add more. I promise to comment without spelling mistakes this time.

Yup, I met GS. I am gonna blog about it so stay tuned.

Hiya FASC,

Heavier and skinter, that's what holidays are for. I hope you had a great time and have managed to get your washing done ha ha ha!

Entropy said...

Hey, have a fun weekend?
And you make eating nothing but Ramen a good idea with the pushing me to be poor. But the masks are sooo pretty! How much longer 'till you get them?

MissTottenham said...

Hiya Entropy sweetie.

Masks got posted a couple of days ago. I hope It'll not take much longer than a week.

Anyway, who needs food when you have pretty masks hee hee.