Wednesday, 13 August 2008

week 33

Sunday, me, my mum and my sis went to our friends house. She has no more family and never had kids. Her husband worked with my dad years ago, he thought of him as the son he never had. In fact, he got him together with my mum.

Well, he died the day after dad died. It was her 86th birthday so we went to her little party. There was only the four of us. We bought her a cake with candles and she cried. She said it was only the second one she had had in her whole life. The other was for her 50th.

We had a lovely time talking about the past. I guess me and my sis are the nearest thing she has to grandkids. And as my gran and nan are dead too, she is the nearest thing we have to a grandmother.

It was really nice. I love hearing her storys. She always gets the photos out and we really enjoy it. She is a sweetheart.

She moved near us in sheltered accommodation when her husband died. As she has no family, I feel it's as though her husband waited until we came more into her life before he died. It's as though he knew she would be looked after by us, so he knew he was safe to go. Funny how things work out.


Anonymous said...


Just thought you should know. :)

MissTottenham said...

♥ you too sweetie.

My fave yellow condiment.

Hugs and snogs.


gnothi seauton said...

Just checking in :)

Take care.

30p for a wee?

sdock10 said...

Week 33...damn we are getting old in BlogBelieve. Seriously? Week 33 of this year already?

FUCK! I ain't done bout shit.

Oh well, oh well, oh well, I do know one thing though...I ♥ you!

Mwah! Mwah!

Anonymous said...

Miss T,

This post has brought a smile to my face. You are such a sweet and considerate person. Thank you for the comment on my blog.

I'm not sure what else to say, except that I wish I could give you a hug. You are one of the best. Take care

farawaysoclose said...

hey miss T!!

thanks for the lovely words about my little uns!! and about blackadder! and about my converse dammit!!

actually it is GW in the background, not me! surely you'd recognise those shoes anywhere??!

take care and hopefully see you around when i get back from my camping trip!!

MissTottenham said...

30p for a wee?


Luv ya GS.

What do you mean solly young lady, week 33 and you've done nothing.

You've moved away from the guy and that's the biggest and best thing you will do this year. Except maybe LEATHERMOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great time.

I ♥ you sweetie.

Aw BC sweetie, I have wished a thousand times that I could give you a hug too.

♥ you




Did you hear that ok?

Andrea said...

I ♥ you Miss T. Hope you have a great weekend.

resurrected wreck said...

I miss my grandma.

And... red, Miss T. Not pink after all. Or yellow!

resurrected wreck said...

I'm beginning to think red wasn't such a good idea. Not at all relaxing >_<

Maybe sage green?


resurrected wreck said...

30p for a wee

That would make a great band name.

Eliza Bennett37 said...

Hello there Miss T

Did I read somewhere that your course is at end of September? What date are you actually coming to London?

I am in Ireland from 25 September for 10 days but I hope you are here sometime when I am.

I hope all is really well.

Take really good care.

EB37 xxx

MissTottenham said...

I love you too Andrea sweetie. I hope you have a great week.

RW, you sound not sure colour wise. May I suggest yellow.

EB37, long time no see sweetie. I can hang around a few extra days if it means we get to meet up. You'll have to let me know when you get back.

capture this void said...

Hey, love.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but I'm getting by. I miss you, too.

Good luck with everything.

Take care.

Emerald said...

Hey, Miss T.

This was such a nice post to read. It's funny how things work out, isn't it? I love listening to my parents tell me about when they were young. There is so much that I had no idea about them. My grandparents are all gone, so I don't have them to speak to, but Mum tells me these amazing stories about Grandma, and Dad does about his Mum and Dad.

One day, you will have all these amazing stories to share.

Take care of yourself, and thank you for being there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss T, how are you? Thank you for stopping by my blog, and thank you super ultra much for the kinds words of support and congratulations.

With this job, I have to take it day by day to see if I have to work on certain days, but they're gonna try to make it at least five days a week, before I move to the city. The best part of the job is that I only have to care for a family friend's parent, and make sure she takes her medications.

It makes it very comfortable that the job was given by someone my older brother is close with, so I'm glad about that. I never knew my grandma when I was growing up, she passed away years before I was born, so this job is also good to get to know someone who is wise beyond her years. She's more than okay with me calling her Grandma as a matter of fact.

And I desperately need the money for my own place. I have to take a few tests on Friday, and it's to see whether I can be able to handle a difficult course load and which classes I'll be placed in and since school starts in two weeks, I'm already packing things bit by bit.

Haha, I'm not sure about the hunk of my dreams. But I did figure that at some point, I'll find my future husband there. If it happens. I had one cutie that I see at the supermarket sometimes, but I have to leave him behind :(

And I have another one who's 17 years older than me and covered in tattoos, and plays guitar in a band, but he has such lovely blue eyes, and a nice looking butt. If it happens, I will sure to let you know ^_^

Thanks again Miss T. I &heart; you very very much. I hope you have a great week. Take care

MissTottenham said...

Hiya CTV sweetie, I love you too and I miss you.

Hiya L, I know what you mean about missing grandparents and not feeling as though you know enough about them.

I find the worst thing is when I wanna ask my dad something really badly but he's not there anymore. That still guts me.

I love hearing people's stories, I never get bored.

I love your stories L, never stop telling them.


Hiya BC, I'm so glad that everything is finally happening for you.

Don't worry about your tests, you'll breeze through I'm sure.

The job sounds great, it must be so nice to be working for someone you know.

I hope you have a fantastic week.


Anonymous said...

Miss T,

Thank you so much. I'm a bit worried about the job. They haven't called back to talk to me about a full-time schedule yet. And I'll be honest: I am very inexperienced with taking care of others. I do hope that they'll call soon. In the meantime, I'm applying at a few different places just in case.

I hope you have a great week *hugs*

MissTottenham said...

You'll do great BC. You'll get used to it in no time, don't you worry.

I hope the tests go well. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Not that you need me to of course.
